SWPBS Working Party



Brookside is proud to introduce you to School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS), a framework which we are now utilising to support positive behaviour within our school and community. Behind the scenes this year teachers have been working on developing a set of expectations for all students across all settings of the school into one behaviour matrix. 

This matrix is based around our four school values; Rights, Respect, Resilience and Relationships and outlines the behaviours which we will be explicitly teaching and expecting our students to display. 

As a College we will be focusing on fortnightly target areas of expected behaviours. Teachers have already been incorporating our latest focus area into their daily routines in remote Zoom lessons and will continue to do this onsite. The table below is specific to our online setting of Cyberspace around our four values.

Our long term goal as a SWPBS school is for staff, students and parents to name, acknowledge and teach these positive expected behaviours. We will keep you updated along the way and cannot wait to invite you in and include you all in this exciting new initiative when the time arrives.


Thank you,

SWPBS Working Party