Positive Education

                  Change + Flexibility + Resilience =                     Survival & Success


2020 and now 2021 has changed our world, not only in the short term, but in the long term.


You will reflect on this year many years from now and will be able to tell your children and grandchildren how you had to study in ISO, lockdown – call it what you want – but for now,  we are back to, a hopefully brief, Remote Rona Learning.


In Remote Learning the challenges you are overcoming and the skills you are learning in 2021 are preparing you for life and for success.


You are developing very important life skills which will set you up for the rest of your life.

Growth mindset is at the heart of all learning at Epping and it is also an essential key for success in all areas of your life.


Your ability to adapt, to be flexible, to believe that you can learn and to embrace change and growth will help you achieve your goals.


Positive self-talk can help us overcome our doubts, so change “I can’t” to “I can”.


We saw that in Remote Learning last year and we are seeing it now - using a growth mindset helps you to tackle and to overcome the challenges of RL and become EPIC learners – so let’s build on our experiences to be even more EPIC.


Try not to stress but if you do, that's ok, it's a normal part of life. But if you're feeling overwhelmed and you need to talk to someone, make sure you reach out to people who can help.


There is ALWAYS someone who is ready to listen and help.


All of your teachers are proud of how you have adapted to online learning and we will be ready to support you when you come back – so whatever you might have missed, we will pick up the pieces.


Year 7 EPIC Epping Learners Awards


Year 7 teachers will choose students from their classes who have consistently engaged positively in their studies and who have been investigative and creative learners across Semester One.


Teachers can also nominate students who engaged positively in remote learning.


These students will receive EPIC Epping Learners certificates and will go into a draw to win vouchers from Officeworks and/or chocolates.


We want to celebrate the awesome learning and behaviours of our students so far in 2021.


Stay well, stay safe and stay positive 😊 




Colleen Hart

Positive Education and 

Year 7 Coordinator




Self- care is important for our mental wellbeing – so please take the time to read our school’s Vice-Captain tips on meditation.


Hey guys, Vice-Captain here! So, from a student’s perspective, I am definitely familiar with the day-to-day struggles of remote learning. It can be very unmotivating to say the least. It’s hard to motivate yourself to listen during class and complete all coursework when you know you can spend the day in bed. Attending a class in bed is the better alternative to getting dressed and ready for school like you would on a regular day. 


I’ve definitely found myself zoning out during class and struggling to focus on the content that is being taught to me. To respond to this, I decided to try something new. I call it 5 minutes of meditation before class. Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique such as mindfulness or focusing your attention on a particular object, thought or activity to train attention and awareness. I began doing this after the first day of remote learning and since then I have experienced increased levels of concentration during class, awareness, lower levels of stress and anxiety and better sleeping patterns. Keep in mind this is only after the first few days of trying this activity. 


This is my step-by-step process for the activity:

  1. I set a 5-minute timer on my phone and find a comfortable position on either the floor or my bed (I’m either lying down or sitting up – it doesn’t really matter)
  2. I challenge myself to keep my eyes closed the entire time and begin counting my breathes
  3. I feel my breath – following the sensation of my chest expanding and shrinking
  4. I take notice of when my mind begins to wander (this is very common), this is how you can improve your concentration – by challenging yourself to focus on one thing
  5. If I notice my mind wandering, I return my attention back to my breaths
  6. See how many times you can count your breaths without losing concentration!
  7. When you’re ready, gently life your gaze and take notice of the environment you’re in and your feelings and emotions at that time

What makes this such a productive activity to do in the morning is the fact that it heightens your senses – it forces you to focus on one specific thing for a certain amount of time in a quiet space. It is very challenging to do at first but with time it’ll get much easier and it can come with various benefits. It also forces you to be present in the moment and be aware of not only your surroundings but your emotions at that time, which can be substantially hard to navigate during lockdown. 


Long term benefits of meditation and mindfulness:

  • Lowered stress 
  • Better sleeping patterns
  • Improved focus and concentration 
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Reduced brain chatter 

Resources and apps you can use to practice meditation:

  • Headspace 
  • Smiling Mind (my personal favourite) 
  • Calm 
  • Stop, breathe & think 

Start meditating today!




Adam Compton-Robbins

School Vice-Captain