Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special.  


This fortnight Neha and Agam (Year Two) would like to share their writing: 


The Four Baby Dinosaurs (by Neha)
The four baby dinosaurs come out of nowhere and roar, but there is nobody there to help the animals because there are hunters in the forest. Suddenly I had a thought, “If the hunters came and people didn’t, then I came, what would happen?”
I didn’t see any big dinosaurs just the four baby ones, I think I will take them home and take care of them!
What do you think happened next?
The Country (by Agam)
Long time ago there was a boy whose name was Jacob who lived in a country house. One day he heard wind like no other! So he ran to the window, and he looked up in the sky and saw something like metal. He looked away for a second then he heard a crash in his backyard!
He looked back at the window and saw a large metal machine with a face, arms and legs. First he thought it was a person, but it was a robot!
He dashed out of the house and ran to the backyard to see the robot.
What do you think happened next?