
Kerrily Tindall  and Bec Gibney

Coach and Team Manager









Introducing our 2021 Queensland Independent Secondary School's Netball team captains: Gabrielle Carr (vice captain), Laneekah Saltner-Garrett and Shanan Ngunz (co-captains). The open netball team is traveling to Brisbane on Sunday for a week long competition. Good luck to all the students and staff involved.

After a challenging two days of QISSN games here in Brisbane, the Premier's three-day lockdown has forced the end to the 2021 netball carnival. We are grateful that we were able to enjoy two fantastic days of competition and saw some of the sights of Brisbane. We are extremely proud of the team and how they represented the College on and off the court. Thank you to all our QISSN players and families for their amazing support.