Community Liaison Officer

Sarah Emmanual

Well we have come to the end of a very busy term. It has been a privilege to see our staff and students working together in a number of initiatives and events throughout our school. The IEC Oratory Showcase was an outstanding day where we heard from IEC students representing schools from all over the state. 


I didn’t get the chance to attend MADDFEST in person but I watched the live streaming. What an amazing and talented group of students and staff we have at Evans. It was great to see so many people attend and support these students. I look forward to being there in person next year. 


THANK YOU to over 30 parents and caregivers who attended our June Parent and Friends meeting. It was so great to have you all involved in the discussions.


Due to the current situation with COVID-19 and the lockdown, our next meeting date is to be confirmed once restrictions ease. However, on the agenda we will:


  • Hear from Ms Rose Innes, Head Teacher of our Learning Assisted Faculty (LAF). 
  • Ms Renee Milloy will give us a brief introduction into Yondr, a phone management solution for our students whilst at school. 

The new group name will be confirmed. Evans Community Hub is the most popular suggestion we’ve had so far.