From the Deputy Principal

Thank you!

It has certainly been a busy and exciting last couple of weeks of term - tinged with disappointment and difficulty.  I have been so impressed with and grateful for the response of our whole community.  From power outages last week to COVID responses this week; from negotiating travel for our boarders to get home, to recovering after the last minute cancellation of Country Week, our students and families have once again, demonstrated our capacity to pull together and support one another.  Thank you for your supportive words, kind actions and willingness to organise and support just about anything, even at the last minute!  I wish all our students and families a restful break. Enjoy some time together to refresh and renew.  

Counsellor update

Our School Counsellor, Ms Sheryl Moncur is heading off on her long service leave for a very well deserved break, after twenty years of service to the school.  We wish her all the best for her leave.  Ms Moncur will be away for Semester Two and we welcome Ms Anita Hamersley who will be replacing Ms Moncur during her leave.  Ms Moncur has undertaken a thorough handover with Ms Hamersley who is ready to take the reins.  Ms Hamersley can be contacted by email on or via the Student Services team in each sub-school. 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal