From the Principal and Assistant Principal

Reconciliation Week 

Reconciliation Week enabled us to celebrate the cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples and the  contributions of Indigenous leaders and inspiring Indigenous individuals. 

Year 3-6 students resume Tuesday 9th June

Years 3-6 students resume next week and we are looking forward to their return.

The staggered start and finish to the school day, that commenced when our P-2 students resumed last week, have been highly successful and will continue until further notice. 

Our students adapted quickly and our parents have appreciated the staggered drop off and pick up  as it enabled social distancing for adults.

School routines have been developed by all staff and in conjunction with ongoing advice and guidelines received from the Department of Education and Training and the Chief Health Officer. 

Today we are sending home information via Compass reiterating the drop off and pick up procedures for students in Years 3-6. Please read the information as a family and talk it through with your children in a positive and constructive way. 

A social story is attached to support parents and carers when they talk with their children about returning to school. We hope families find it helpful. 

Years 3-6 Parents/Carers: Please sign off on borrowed school devices at the front office on Tuesday 9th and  Wednesday 10th June

Now that the students have resumed we urgently require all borrowed devices to be returned. The iPads and laptops are in high demand in classrooms throughout the day and we ask families to return them to enable our students to use them to support their learning. Thank you to our P-2 families for promptly returning borrowed devices.

Mid year student reports available on June 19th

Teachers will prepare mid year reports  which will be sent home on June 19th. 

Parent/Teacher Interviews from Monday 22nd June

Parents and carers will be invited to book a parent/teacher interview to take place in the last week of term. Due to the current restrictions and social distancing, this semester parent/teacher interviews will be conducted by phone. If you wish to book a phone interview with your child's teacher, online bookings will open on Friday 12th June at 4pm and close on Friday 19th June at 4pm. Phone interviews will take place in the week beginning Monday 22nd June. Parents will be unable to attend on-site interviews.

Parent feedback for their child to be included in the mid year report by 15th June

Parents have played a very important role in Home Learning. Tomorrow via Compass each parent will receive an invitation to prepare a comment for their child to receive on their mid year report. We will explain this innovation in more detail in the Compass message tomorrow. We will be asking parents to share their proudest moments regarding their child's efforts during Home Learning. Parent comments are to be submitted using the link provided in the invitation, by Monday 15th June to enable sufficient time for the teacher to transpose the comment in to the child's report. A teacher comment and a student reflection will also be included in the report.


Thank you to our amazing parent community for your generous donations

We were truly overwhelmed as a staff when we were made aware of the donations by families towards a gift of thanks to staff for all their efforts during Home Learning. 

The staff at BPS are highly professional and committed to the students. Yes, Home Learning required a shift in mind set to deliver the curriculum in a different way. Everyone was on a steep learning curve and the collaboration between staff was commendable and inspiring. 

Thank you to families for your generous donations. The staff will certainly put the donations to good use.

Please know that we fully appreciate and thank parents and carers for all that you did to support your child and your class teacher to ensure the success of Home Learning. Its success relied on a strong partnership and that was evident all along.


Quote of the Week: 

‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ –Benjamin Franklin

Gratitude and Mindfulness

What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Hollowood

Principal                                                   Assistant Principal