Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!

Dear Families,


Week 6 finds us now preparing for the return of some of our students to school on Tuesday! Students in our F-2 classes are returning on Tuesday and our grade 3-6 students will be back on the 9th of June. 

Some children and Parents will be feeling excitement, others apprehension and/ maybe anxiety about their return to school. BUT remember all these feelings are OK, just allow time to work through them, time to talk, share your thoughts and feelings and encourage them to do the same.  Take time to listen - check in about their feelings, acknowledge and normalise these.

After our period of lockdown and disruption, our feelings of safety may be undermined. Reassure your child(ren) that you are looking forward to the restrictions lifting and getting our lives back to some normality - like going back to school and back to work! 

Re-establish (or continue) your daily routines for going to school and / to work and talk to and comfort you child(ren) as needed - have some fun as well! 

We are all different and will show stress in different ways.  When children show signs of stress it is common to revert to behaviours they may previously have grown out of (i.e. sucking their thumb, becoming clingy or have a tantrum and even not wanting to go back to school).  How you child(ren) react will depend on what’s changing in their daily lives, what they are hearing, how YOU are reacting, and the support and comfort you give them.


As your child(ren) transitions back to school, consider…..

1. Support their understanding

  • provide clear, accurate & direct language that is at your child’s point of understanding
  • keep them up-to-date with relevant changes
  • consider using visual supports i.e. Social Stories
  • explain ways they can help keep themselves safe (i.e. washing hands)
  • identify who they can talk to at school,if they are worried or have a question

2. Offer opportunities for expression

  • how can we encourage them to express their feeling about returning to school i.e. draw; write or make a video
  • answer their questions and acknowledge their feelings
  • reach out to school - their class teacher; Ms Hindson; etc. - to help answer their questions about returning to school

3. Prioritise coping & calming skills

  • consider what helps them feel safe & comfortable 
  • schedule opportunities to engage with these activities across the day, at home and at school
  • maintain or establish physical activities routines - this has been shown to reduce stress
  • reduce the demands on your child as they prepare to routine - have fun together

4. Maintain routines

  • consider which school and home routines can remain the same or need to change
  • focus on sleep/wake and morning routines in preparation for returning to school

5. New routines

  • consider what new routines need to be developed i.e. our staggered return to school, F-2 first then 3-6 later; drop off at school; etc
  • use visual supports to help them readjust to school i.e. social stories; visual of my week

6. Foster connections

  • support them to rebuild relationships with staff and classmates
  • consider how change to school routine impact on existing relationships
  • identify shared interests and experiences that can be used to build relationships

7. Be aware of changing behaviours

  • encourage healthy sleeping and eating habits
  • monitor and communicate any change in behaviours - remember the behaviour may signal your child is feeling stressed or unsure
  • reach out to support services or the school if needed

ref. Positive Partnerships Webinar



Last week I gave the reminder that our current situation is not forever  and I invited families and students to share “WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO WHEN OUR WORLD GETS BACK ON TRACK?” Seeing and being with friends was an overwhelming response!


I continue to extend my deepest well wishes to you all at this time. I am contactable via email and will be looking at other ways I might be able to support your child(ren) or family as we now begin to transition back to school.


Debbie Turvey

Pastoral Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader



Stay tuned in our school newsletter for more ideas and conversations around promoting wellbeing and learning in our school community.


Have a great week, make the choice, be your best!