Level 3/4

Level 3 & 4 News
What a fantastic couple of weeks of Remote Learning it has been for Level 3 & 4! Classes have been enjoying seeing each other and catching up in our WebEx virtual class meetings throughout the week. The meetings have been a fantastic way for us all to come together and share our experiences during this time, and have even included some fun themes like Bring your Pet, and Crazy Hat Day!
The Level 3 & 4’s have been diving into the Our Community inquiry unit over the last few weeks. We’ve been continuing to look at what makes a community, and more of the differences between past and present communities. We even got to go out on a Community Scavenger Hunt!
This week we have focused on the importance of National Sorry Day, its significance for our nation, and what we can learn from the past. We participated in the National Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday May 27th, tuning in with kids from around the country to hear a shared reading of Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas. In maths, we’ve been learning about Data and Graphing, and even had some fun surveying our family and friends!
The team is now busy back at school preparing for your return on Tuesday June 9th! We can’t wait to welcome you back to school and to see all your smiling faces in person. It’s going to be an exciting, jam-packed end to the term!
Stay healthy, stay safe; it’s not long to go until we are all together again.
The Level 3 & 4 Team