
Foundation News!
The Foundation students completed remote and flexible home learning by making decorations to bring into their classroom. In addition to the balloons and streamers lining our classrooms, the children were very proud to take part in decorating their rooms. We waited for them eagerly at the Munro Street entrance on their first day back and their smiley faces ensured a happy day was had by all.
In our first week back in the classroom the students were keen to settle back into their morning routines and our daily schedules. The most asked question was “when can we play outside on our playground?” Friends quickly reconnected and our school was once again filled with laughter!
We continued learning more Letterland characters, we explored the number 13, practised our writing and engaged in many Wellbeing activities. We discussed other ways we could give ‘hugs’, such as being kind to our friends, teachers and families. Some classes also made beautiful hugs to hang outside their rooms.
For those that made ‘vases with flowers’ we hope you enjoyed the children’s way of saying THANK YOU for supporting them during home learning.
All the best,
Mr Anderson, Miss Bonte, Miss Somerville, Mrs Tzimos and Ms Wilson
Foundation Team.