From the Office

General Office
Office hours are: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Telephone: 9874 6381
Sibling Enrolments for 2021
A reminder to families who have students starting in 2021 to hand in their enrolment forms ASAP. Planning for 2021 is well underway, and we would like to ensure all families receive communications regarding Information Nights and transition Days.
Please download and return completed Student Enrolment Form 2021 along with the Get to Know You Form, a copy of the child's Birth Certificate & Immunisation Records. Thank You.
Late Arrival and Early Leavers From School
As advised By DET, parents/carers are not permitted on site for the foreseeable future. Please ring the office and one of our friendly staff will come and collect your child from the gate.
Parents are also asked to contact the office if your child needs to be picked up early. A staff member will collect your child and meet you at the appropriate gate.
Student absences should be reported to school before 9:00am via the Sentral Parent Portal.
PSW New Store Opening Times (School Uniform Supplies)
Messaging Teachers
Parents/Guardians wanting to contact their child's teacher can do so through the Sentral Parent Portal.