Wellbeing & Engagement

Wellbeing / Engagement
It has been so wonderful to have the Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students back onsite with us these last weeks. The students are so happy to be in class and playing in the yard and it has been a joy to be around them again. We were blessed with good weather for the first few days and this added to the positive feeling across the school.
I am sure your children are very tired with this return to on-site learning so please make sure they are getting to bed at a good time and eating a healthy breakfast. I know the teachers (and the Principals) are all feeling tired at the end of each day and we are making sure we are well rested for the next day of learning.
I emailed out some information last week about Wellbeing Webinars with Georgina Manning – this newsletter would have been too late for this information. I hope some families have looked into this webinar. Georgina is the creator of the wonderful Peaceful Kids Program which we use here at Rangeview.
Gardener / Groundsperson
We are looking for a new Gardener / Groundsperson to work at our beautiful school from the beginning of Term 3.
The Gardening position involves caring for our several veggie patches, our herb gardens and our orchard. It also involves gardening with a group of Grade 3 students and their teacher every Tuesday from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.
The Groundsperson position involves maintenance and basic repair of our school facilities.
The position is for approximately 2½ days per week and would ideally incorporate half days including a Monday and Tuesday.
For more information please contact Marika Ferguson Assistant Principal on 9874 6381.
Transitioning Back to School
There is a good article written by a Monash University Counsellor to assist with returning to school. https://courageousconversationscounselling.com/2020/05/11/preparing-your-child-and-adolescent-to-go-back-to-school-after-home-based-isolation/
Andrew Fuller has published a short article on supporting students to transition back to school based learning. I hope you find it useful.
Cyber Safety Project
In partnership with Yarra Ranges Council, Inspiro ran three webinars with the Cyber Safety Project this month. They are now available on demand until the 5th of June. The three webinars include:
Webinar 1: Keeping Kids Safe Online
Webinar 2: Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media
Webinar 3: Keeping Kids Safe Who Game
Each webinar goes for approximately 40 minutes and is well worth a listen- especially if your young people love Tic Toc, House Party, Minecraft, Fortnight or Call of Duty. Learn about device settings, app functions and regulating screen time at home, plus much more!
Warm Regards