Level 5/6

Some 5/6 Highlights
Here is a selection of some of the fantastic work produced by the Level 5/6 students during Home Learning in the past week.
In Writing we have been focusing on writing tanka poems. Tanka poems are a Japanese form of poetry containing five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllables. Here is some wonderful tanka poetry from four of our students: Winter by Luke (5/6C), Spring by Maeve (5/6HE), Autumn by Emi (5/6WM) and Summer by Tess (5/6L).
In Maths, we have been looking at all kinds of graphs such as line graphs, column graphs and pie graphs. We analysed the last 25 AFL grand finals to find the mean number of points scored from winning teams (109) and found the median and mode number of goals for the winning and losing teams. Here is some impressive pie graph work from Ava (5/6P).
In Inquiry we have been focusing on Natural Disasters. One task last week was to research a natural disaster and produce a newspaper report about it. Amber from 5/6WM researched a tornado in Bangladesh. We continue to be so proud of all of our level 5/6 students as they enter the final week of the home learning experience.