Principal's Report

Week 8
F-2 Return and 3- 6 Return on 9 June
What a glorious way to bring back our foundation to grade 2 students last week- sunshine, smiles and welcoming bubbles. Each day there was a different theme to mark the unique moments- crazy hat, socks, hair and teddy days. Well done students and staff, and very importantly, thank you to our parents and families. You may have been nervous about the return to school or elated or a mix of both? You followed the expectations of walking your children to the assigned gate, even if it wasn't the normal gate. This helped us out and we are very grateful.
We have a plan if it is raining to move the students quickly to under cover spaces or their buildings. Umbrellas and wet weather gear will be a necessity.
The students have settled back to school well and we have been preparing for the return of the remaining students in grades 3 to 6 on Tuesday 9 June. During this period until further notice, we will be asking families from foundation to grade 2 to continue to use the same gates and staggered times.
Week 9 Plan starting from Tuesday 9 June when all students are at school
- No students onsite before 8:45am – OSHClub operating for students before 8:45am
- Students entering or exiting without parents may do so at any gate
- Students arriving with younger siblings can take them to their regular line up
- Students on bikes to arrive at 8:45am and place bikes in shed and exit at 3:35pm so that they are not trying to get bikes through exiting students
- Teachers will be at the listed entrance and exit locations to support students and siblings getting to the nominated gate or to their class line ups
- Older students to collect younger siblings in the afternoon before 3:30pm and exit from the gate of the older student if no pre arrangements made
| 9:10 am | 3:20 pm | Munro Street |
Level 5/6
| 8:50 am | 3:30 pm | Munro Street |
Level 1
| 8:50 am | 3:25 pm | Scott Street (Green Mile) |
Level 3 | 9:00 am | 3:30 pm | Verdale Crt
Level 4 and 3/4 | 9:00 am | 3:30 pm | Churinga Avenue
Level 2
| 8:50 am | 3:25 pm | Churinga Avenue |
Grade 2 Hub and Staffroom Make-Over
Ahh- the smell of fresh paint and new carpet greeted the returning grade 2 classes in the portables near the Green Mile gateway. During our time in remote learning we created a Grade 2 hub by filling in the space between the 2 Grade 2 portables. Large glass windows enclose the space and the now interior walls have been spray painted by Ian Barr with a bit of help from Amelia Davies. The carpet tiles were laid only days before the students started back. It makes a great space for our students and teachers and ES staff to use during class time. There has been additional landscaping around the building to help reduce mud coming in on little feet and big feet.
The staff also had the surprise of the staffroom makeover – freshly painted walls and bench tops and cupboards, new stove and some new cupboards and flooring, and the added bonus of furniture recovered. Think Pinterest – Think Staffroom Makeover – and the many staff were surprised in a good way. Big shout out to Ian Barr, Amelia Davies, Lynette Ellis, Robert Street, Kate McLeod, Moira Mugnier and other ES staff who helped in a myriad of different ways. I also donned my overalls to help with some painting. Glen, Tony and Matt from G&T Property Maintenance helped us out with the installation of the flooring, extra cupboards and stove to get us over the line before students and staff returned.
Live Stream for Return of Grades 3-6 students
A Q&A similar to the last one run through our Parents and Friends Facebook Page with the Principal Class and Lloyd Lazaro will be streamed on Thursday 4th June at 12:00 pm. We will cover social distancing by adults, allocated play areas and designated entry and exit points. Other general information for the return to school of our senior students will also be addressed. An email with a separate link will be sent shortly. You can also view this session from our Facebook page after it is has aired.
Live Stream for Foundation 2021 Information Session
Our foundation team are planning an information session on Thursday 11 June at 4pm. More details to be distributed to the local preschools and on our website.
A reminder if your child is starting in 2021 please fill in an enrolment form and forward this to our admin team as planning is underway for the next foundation classes.
Gardener/Maintenance Person - Needed
Ian Barr has been a tower of strength helping us out as a school over the last year. He is now ready to hang up the tools and pass on his knowledge to a capable gardener and fix it person. The skill set is broad because the successful person has to work with our grade 3 students in the gardens and be a passionate garden guru and know their way around basic repairs. If you may know such a talented person or you are that right person, contact the office or check out the advert in our parents run Facebook page. It will be also advertised on the employment site Seek.
Unwell Students
As stated in our COVID -19 Policy students and staff cannot attend school if unwell. COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia. People with coronavirus may experience fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. If your child is unwell and having any of these symptoms, we ask families to seek medical attention and have a medical clearance to attend school. If you want to talk to someone about your child’s symptoms first, call the Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice on 1800 020 080.