Celebrating Student Work

Celebrating Writing at Kalinda


My Purpose by Siara - 3KB


A blinding light. People screaming from every angle. The sound of deafening sirens filled my pale ears. “She’ll be okay,” I heard a paramedic trying to convince everybody. I felt sick, and then suddenly, I … I wasn’t alive anymore.


It felt like an eternity, but I finally awoke, not dead in a cold, damp grave, but very much alive, rapped in vines and in a dark, misty forest! I struggle to break free but am unsuccessful.


I’m scared. What will happen to me if I don’t get out? I call for help, knowing very well that no one will hear me. My voice didn’t sound human. A voice called back to me, sounding exactly like mine, but I know it wasn’t my echo. “Hello!” I yelled in a language I knew nothing about. A figure emerged from a cavern that lay in front of me and dashed towards the tree on my left. 


“Gibble Gobble, Gibble Gobble,” it spoke.

“But, I’m human. Why are you helping me?” I had finally managed to change my language to English.

“You’re not human. You alien!”

“What! Well, if I’m not human, what’s my purpose?”


He doesn’t answer, instead he cuts down the vines and makes a hand gesture for me to follow him. I stare down at my hand expecting to see my usual human hands, instead my hands are a sick green colour.


I feel like I might cry, but I follow the alien into a rather luxury UFO. The other aliens greet me happily.


I miss my parent, I miss my friends, but if this is my purpose, I might as well make the most of it!



White Water Rafting -by Reece - 5H


White water rafting is a dangerous water sport, that requires skilland team work and tough arms to go against the current. This sport can be very dangerous at times because to steer you need to lean out of the raft in dangerous currents.


Balance is an important skill to have in white water rafting to remain in the middle of the rapids so you don’t hit the sides. On the sides there are normally sharper rocks that can pierce the boat.


If you have the skills to steer the raft or you are a very good swimmer, I highly recommend White Water Rafting is for you. For most people it makes them feel thrilled but at first it might be scary but you will get used to it once you do it a couple of times.