Junior School Learning

Welcome Back Students

Prep/1 have revisited our classroom expectations and settled back into routine with ease.


In Reading we have been learning about the /w/ and /z/ phonemes.  We have been on a Letter Detective hunt to try and find words with these phonemes in them and we have been building our vocabulary learning new words that start with these letters.


In Writing we have been learning how to describe objects using a description bubble.  Last week we used the description bubble to describe Barry the classroom pug.


In Maths we have been learning how to solve addition sums with the help of unifix cubes and other concrete materials.



In 1/2 this week students have begun learning about Information Reports and Non Fiction texts. All students have done a wonderful job on their own information reports on an animal of their choice! 



Grade 1/2 students have been learning about subtraction. They have explored the different language used for subtraction such as ‘the difference between’ and ‘take away’. They have learnt different strategies to solve subtraction problems such as counting back, counting on and using their doubles and tens facts. They have also been learning that they need to choose the most efficient strategy for the problem. E.g. counting back is good for taking away a small number but counting on is good for when the difference between the two numbers is small.





Well done to all our Junior Students (and parents) for completing remote learning. It is clear to see that students took pride in their work and sharing it with others on the padlet. 



Back in the classroom we are “moving” away from movement and onto change. Exploring how we can physically change everyday items. We’ve had fun bending, snapping, folding and stretching.