Performing Arts News

The score so far...

What an amazing six weeks we have had in Performing Arts. The students have continued to demonstrate persistence and resilience as they faced an array of technical difficulties. The work that has been submitted to me has been truly outstanding and I am so proud of every single one of our Rolling Hills performers! 


I was so excited to welcome back our junior students to school on Tuesday! I have many fun activities planned for our Prep - Grade 2 students as they return to face-to-face learning this week. My aim is to consolidate the learning they have been doing at home. I am also looking forward to welcoming the Grade 3-6 students back in two weeks time. 


I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents and carers who have supported the students to stay connected to the Performing Arts during remote learning. I know that at times, there have been some challenges however I can confidently say that our learners have lots of new found musical knowledge and that is a credit to all of you. 


This past week has also delivered some exciting news! Many of you have heard me speak about my favourite musical Hamilton. Well it was announced last week that a filmed version of the original Broadway production, created and starring Lin Manuel Miranda (a true musical genius) will be released on Disney Plus on July 3rd. I'm sure you can imagine the squeal of excitement that filled my house when this news reached me. 


I hope you all enjoy your last couple of weeks at home together. I cannot wait to see all of our wonderful students back in the Performing Arts room very soon. 


Stay safe and keep singing. 

With love, Mrs. Harrison