P&F News

Hi everyone!


I’d like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself. My name is Jacinta Parolo and I am the new president of the P&F committee for 2020. I am supported by the amazing Chelsie Clinton in the vice president role.  A warm welcome to the wonderful ladies who have kindly volunteered to join the committee this year also.

P&F goals…

The P&F normally organise social events for parents and children throughout the year as well as raise much needed funds for the school.  However, as with all other areas of life this year, the P&F plans have had to adapt and change. Our original goal of raising $20,000 in 2020 to help pay for a new playground can wait for now.


The P&F would like to step into more of a supportive role for the time being. 

In the short term, we would like to:

  • Bring the children some fun events and opportunities
  • Support families in this difficult time
  • Try to spark joy and support a positive community environment

Mother’s Day Stall…

To help achieve these things, we ran our annual Mother’s Day Stall online this year. Thank you so much to everyone who came and picked up their gifts, in the pouring rain!  The stall was such a great success and we were overwhelmed at the lovely positive feedback we received. 


We raised just over $1000.  To help support families in need at this time, the p&f have decided they will be donating this money to a local charity.  More details about this next newsletter.

Coming Soon….

We originally had plans to run a disco in term 2. However, this can’t go ahead now. Instead, we plan on holding an online digital dance DISCO


Save the date: The disco will be FRIDAY 19th June.  

Pop it in your diary, more details to come!




There are some other exciting plans on the cards to help spark joy and support the school community. 


Please free to touch base with us if you have any wonderful ideas, questions or might even like to come along to one of our meetings!  Newcomers are always welcome.


Chat soon,

Jacinta and the p&f team