Digital Technologies 

Term 2, 2020 will certainly go down in history as a unique and memorable learning experience for all of us! While there may have been hiccups along the way, I think we can agree on the important role technology has played in this time in bringing us all together and allowing for continuity of learning and community. 


Learning from home has given students an opportunity to work both independently and creatively and we have certainly noticed a positive boom in our Digital Technology (DTE) students doing just that over the past few weeks. 


Year 8 students, for example, have been dazzling us with their amazing 3D inventions to solve a problem in the real world, some of which have been inspired by the current climate. Hopefully, when we are back at school, we will be able to print out these creative designs. 

Our Unit 1 and 3 VCE Applied Computing students are also doing a fantastic job of learning remotely. Year 11 students are building their programming skills and designing positive applications, using Python, that sing 'Happy Birthday' to cheer up someone who is in isolation. 


Our Year 12 students are well into working on their major data analysis project for the year and are currently collecting both primary and secondary data on a range of topics to answer fascinating questions such as:

  • How can you tell if an Instagram account is fake?
  • How is online shopping affecting the retail industry?
  • Does the year you are in at school affect your happiness level?
  • Does where you live in Melbourne affect your chance of being a victim of crime? 
  • Does the population size of a country have any effect on its success at Olympic events?

We are always looking for people who are willing to help us collect primary data on these topics, so if you are willing to fill in some short, anonymous surveys for us, please let me know on


Adrienne Donoghue

Learning Leader: 

Digital Technologies 

Year 8 3D Printing Reports

For the past few weeks we have been learning how to make objects and fun things in 'Tinkercad' (an online 3D printing website). I have really enjoyed this experience. I enjoyed getting a chance to learn how 3D printing works and getting to create items like mugs, small characters and also a creation of our own choice. 


I find 'Tinkercad' an amazing website as it is very easy to use and fun to play with. My design was a pet bowl. I got the inspiration for my design when I was feeding my cat one night and realised how plain and boring the design was for their bowl. I decided to take it a step further and create something cute and easy to access for our pets to use. I have loved this project as I could make small changes and created something that was different and fun.  


Aleisha Rodwell

Year 8 

Recently in DTE we have been doing 3D printing. We have been using 'Tinkercad' to make our 3D designs and using step-by-step instructions on how to make different things, for example a mug. My favourite part working with 3D printing and 'Tinkercad' was that I could create whatever I wanted to and I didn't need to follow instructions or rules to make a certain object. 


For me, 3D printing hasn’t been that difficult because of the way 'Tinkercad' is set out which is so clear and I had my teacher's help as well. For my design to 'solve a problem', I got the idea from an example in my life considering I am always losing my homework or not knowing what needs to be done. 


DTE so far this year has been really interesting and I can’t wait to see what else we are going to be doing soon!

Nyrie Bedikian 

Year 8