Creative Arts 

The students have been exploring the world of art through virtual gallery tours and online classes. Art is such a ‘hands on’ subject and most students would have found this bizarre new delivery of Art to be really peculiar and, at times, frustrating. The Art teachers have been trying to get a balance of practical and theory work for the girls as they work independently at home. Everyone has managed to overcome the technical difficulties and ‘glitching’ WiFi and the creative ideas have been flowing.

Remote Learning Classroom
Remote Learning Classroom

Each of the VCE Art and Studio Art classes were fortunate enough to have a two-hour class at the College, with social distancing, of course! It was great to see the class in 'real life' again without seeing pixelated faces and sketchbooks! The rest of the College was empty and it felt a bit odd but all the students were highly productive during their brief time in the classroom.


Years 7 to 10 have been working through design processes for given topics, with some completing practical final work at home and others yet to complete their finals when they return to school. 


The attached photos are a range of images across most year levels. Some are idea development from sketchbooks and others are finished work.     

Creative Concepts and Finished Art
Creative Concepts and Finished Art


Camille Riordan-Brown

Creative Arts Teacher