Medieval Europe 

Hail fellow members of our TLSC Community

On Wednesday, 10th May 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting a Medieval Europe Incursion for our Year 8 Students, to align with their history unit in Humanities. 

Students learnt about medieval lifestyle and the different types of traditional clothing worn by people during the Middle Ages. They had the opportunity to try them on and grew to understand that a person’s social status in society impacted their clothing. The presenter also provided an extensive explanation of each clothing piece, to further consolidate their understanding of what life was like during that. 


The students then moved onto the second part of the incursion: Arms and Armour. Here, they learnt about medieval weaponry, and the evolution of war during the Middle Ages. Students even got to try on different types of armour and helmets and act out being battle. 

Overall, this was a highly engaging and informative experience for all of our students, and we look forward to the positive impact it will have on our discussions and learning in class. 


Gabriella Raponi

Humanities Leader