Ecosystems Excursion

Year 9 Science

Year 9 Science - Ecosystems Excursion to Taylors Lake Liner Park

On behalf of our science department, we wish to share with you our recent class trip to the local Taylors Lake and wetlands for our ecosystems excursion for year 9 science.

Our class had the privilege of spending their session exploring the natural habitats of a variety of local species. We began by visiting the lake and observing the unique plants and animals that call this ecosystem home. Our students were able to spot a variety of birds, and insects that thrive in this particular environment. We were also lucky enough to observe a number of migratory birds that had stopped to rest at the lake.


After exploring the lake, we made our way to the nearby wetlands which were teeming with life. Our students had the opportunity to observe the interdependent relationships between different species and how each play a role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Throughout the day, our students were able to see first-hand the importance of these natural habitats we create. In their next trip, we will learn about the engineering that was involved to create this reserve and the importance of the conservation efforts made to protect it.


Lajos Kozak

Science Teacher