Being Well at Magill


The Magill Cook Book

The Wellbeing team constantly look at what can be done to foster the wellbeing of our children. It is well-researched and documented that a child’s capacity to learn and flourish is directly linked to how they feel about themselves. At school, fostering a sense of belonging in our children leads to increased wellbeing and better learning outcomes. At our last committee meeting, the Wellbeing team discussed how we could increase respectful relationships, positive interactions and so a strong sense of belonging and inclusion in the Magill School community.


We are therefore excited to announce Magill School is going to publish its very own cookbook this year. Our vision is to create a book that is a true reflection of the incredible cultural diversity within our school. We would like to host a twilight event later in the year where our school community can come together, sample recipes from our, by-then published book, and enjoy each other’s stories. In order to do this, we need your help! To begin, we would like a recipe to be submitted that is special to your family. It might be a family favourite, or a meal that is important at a particular time of year and linked to a significant event.


Teachers will be sending home a request for that special recipe very soon. Return your special recipe to school with your child and we will get the process started. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting process! 


Enjoy the long weekend


Erica Teumohenga

Wellbeing Leader




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