Leadership Report


We are half-way through Term 1 and the building works are progressing well. New students to Magill School have settled in and our new Reception students are building their confidence in school life, having already learnt a surprising number of sound/letter correspondences! 


A range of interesting learning experiences have been taking place including incursions, excursions and cross-age peer tutoring. Look out for photographic evidence of these.

Hopefully, parents and caregivers have all taken the opportunity to connect with the class Seesaw account. This will be the way to stay connected with what your child is learning and how you can best support them. It is also a way to know what’s happening across the term and share in successes and achievements.


Learning Conversations will soon take place in Weeks 9 and 10 so look out for email correspondence to book your preferred times. This will be another opportunity to find out how your child is tracking at school, celebrate strengths and achievements and work with teachers to support your child with their next steps.


Intervention programs have commenced. A range of targeted programs are being run for small groups to boost learning in specific areas, namely: What’s the Buzz and Positive Play for social skills, Maths Intervention groups for junior and middle primary students and MiniLit, SSP (Synthetic Systematic Phonics) groups, and MacqLit for improving reading and spelling skills. 


Next week from Wednesday 15th March, our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN (National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy). It is important that students feel prepared and supported to give these tests their best and look forward to the challenge. Stressed and anxious students usually don’t perform that well, so it is important to take the pressure off and help them understand that NAPLAN is one piece of a wider picture of their learning and achievement.


A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast, along with the support and encouragement from family and teachers will ensure that our students give it their best effort.


Enjoy the long weekend!


Daniela Lawlor

Deputy Principal