Primary Specialists

Physical Education

What a busy fortnight it has been in P.E! 

We had our district swimming carnival, where Saltwater was well represented against the Wyndham and Hobsons Bay regions. It was an incredible performance by all involved and we could not be prouder in how well our students represented the school. Congratulations!

Throughout our year 3-6 lessons we have moved onto our throwing field events practice. Students have enthusiastically participated and we are looking forward to seeing your hard work pay off on our Athletic carnivals next term.

Prep-2 students are progressing through our minor games and invasion games activities developing their fine motor skills. We can certainly see some future sport stars in the making. 

With the end of the term fast approaching we remind students to continue to bring their hats and drink bottles to p.e along with their sports uniforms and runners. 

Visual Art

In week 8 students celebrated Harmony Day across all year levels. They celebrated diversity, inclusiveness, and respect for all cultures and religions in Australia. As art enthusiasts, we know that art has the power to bring people together and celebrate differences.  


Students across Foundation to Year 4, explored tessellation; a repeating pattern of shapes that fit together without any gaps or overlaps. Using a person shaped tessellation, the students used orange and yellow to create a design or pattern that were cut and pasted together. Symbolising how each unique person works into the bigger picture of classroom, school and Australian culture.  

Year F-4
Year F-4






Years 5 and 6 explored what it was to be them, through a multi-faceted cube for the 5’s and a silhouette for the 6’s. Drawing imagery that represented their culture, heritage, passions, interests, and aspirations.  

Year 5
Year 5

In week 9 students focussed on finalising the pieces we have been working so hard on all term across all year levels. Using our warm colour pallets, Indigenous Australian inspirations, finessing and refining those shapes and lines. There are some fabulous pieces on their way to being completed. 

Year 1
Year 1









Hola y bienvenidos al Colegio AguaSalada. 


Welcome to Saltwater P-9 College.


In our Spanish lessons our students are constantly reviewing and expanding upon previously learned vocabulary and then using this in genuinely communicative activities using what they know in a meaningful way. Students are using phrases and questions that are helping them to increase their Spanish input in class, as well as express their needs and share their thoughts in Spanish.

Students continue learning about the Spanish speaking countries and culture through music, videos and songs. 

Students continued practicing vocabulary such as:

  • Hola (Hello) to greet the teacher and class peers.
  • Buenos días (Good morning)
  • Singing and dancing to head shoulders, knees, and toes in Spanish.
  • Drawing their faces with chalk and playing games in Spanish with it.
  • Using Kahoots and Rockalingua to practice numbers, colours, and directions in Spanish.

And using new vocabulary to communicate with teachers and peers in the classroom:

  • Greeting teachers and peers in Spanish

Hola, Buenos días, Adios

  • Asking and responding simple questions in Spanish

¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name)

¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)

¿Puedo ir al baño? (Can I go to the toilet?)

Adiós” and waving goodbye

Expressing feelings in Spanish.

  • Singing songs to practice:

Parts of the body, numbers, colours and directions in Spanish.


Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and in the past week students have been working in activities that are linked to the celebration of Harmony Day.

Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background. 


Congratulation to our Spanish learning community at Saltwater p-9 College.



Javi and Señor Pastén



This week, students in music classes began exploring our newly arrived instruments!

Week 8 sees the current cohort of students currently attending music classes moving from a unit focusing on the musical elements (eg Beat, Rhythm, Pitch, Dynamics, Duration, Texture, Timbre, Form) to creating and performing music using tuned and untuned percussion in year Prep to Four. Years Five and Six will also add the Ukulele to their list of instruments to investigate creating and performing.  


Media Art with Mr Howarth

In Media, students are taking skills learned in prior lessons and applying them to new tasks. In particular, we have been focusing on:

Preps: Students have begun exploring how media can be presented as fiction or non-fiction. Using “Ask the Storybots” as a mentor text, the Preps are understanding how media can inform as well as entertain.

Year One: In Year One, we are exploring the different way stories have been told over time. They are analysing this by reading and viewing different Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. Students have seen how stories told thousands of years ago through paintings or dance thrive today via books or videos. 

Year Two: The Year Two students have been out in the yard taking photos of tomato cans for the purpose of print advertising. They are taking into consideration focus, positioning, size and frame.

Year Three: Introduction to still-image narratives. Students are exploring how a sequence of pictures can tell a story, despite an absence of text or dialogue.   

Year Four: Students have been publishing and sharing their montages within their classes. Our next unit will focus on analysing media texts. 

Year Five: The Year Five students have begun filming their short, short films. A focus is put on using multiple shot types, camera movements and perspectives. 

Year Six: Students explored how advertisers try to persuade customers by associating their products with cultural celebrations and events. Students created their own print advertisements by appealing to emotions, logic, or celebrity. 



Our Victorian State School Spectacular dancers had their first combined school Hub rehearsal this week at St Albans Meadows Primary school. Dancing alongside 6 other schools, our hard working students showcased their skills and what they are capable of, while still eager to learn and pick up more. Rehearsals went all day as students learned 5 fun upbeat routines, while gaining insight and knowledge for the journey ahead up to the big show later this year. Our VSSS dancers looked amazing in their specially designed rehearsal shirts, and represented Saltwater on such a high level! We can't wait to see them all shine on the big stage at John Cain Arena to an estimated 10,000 people in September!


Our dance extension program is progressing through as our dedicated students have been practising what we've been working on. They are consistent in their approach with an eye for detail and and energy to match, showcasing how hungry they are to achieve and learn more. Eventually we will bring all dance extension programs from all groups together, and get everyone working with each other to teach how to adapt, compromise, and work with each other and different age levels showcasing different skills. This is all about teamwork and how to build it up.