Year Six 

Dear Year Six Families


As we move swiftly towards the end of Term One, our Year Six students have wrapped up their first Unit of Inquiry. They consolidated their knowledge and reflected on what was at times a confronting, but important unit of work. Students will know move to their second Unit of Inquiry, under the transdisciplinary theme ‘How We Express Ourselves’. We will be looking into social media use and begin writing blogs. 



Students have been hard at work in their fluid reading groups, completing tasks that are relevant to them. Each group has been working through a variety of tasks including readers theatre, comprehension skills and literacy discussion groups. We want to remind all students to be reading every night at home, and they are always welcome to take books home to read if they require. 



Students finished off their poetry writing unit by choosing their favourite pieces to publish using an app of their choice. Publishing work is a vital part of the writing process, as it is a way for students to reflect on their writing achievements since the start of the year. Next week we will start our new writing unit, looking at blogs. Students will get the chance to write, comment and analyse the purpose of blog posting. 


We are wrapping up our Number and Place Value unit with students completing a post test for their first maths unit. We will then move into looking at area and perimeter with our measurement unit. Students completed their pre-test for the unit and will then get broken up into skill groups looking at areas that they had trouble with. 


Unit of Inquiry 

Students have started their new Unit of Inquiry this week with a visit from our local police officers. They were engaged in a conversation in regard to social media use, and things that police look for when using the internet. They then followed that up by completing a provocation where they were exposed to different videos based around internet use. This unit will see them unpack how to be a proud digital citizen in the modern era.  


Money Talks Incursion:

We were lucky enough to get a visit from a local incursion titled ‘Money Talks’. This incursion gave students tips and tricks on how to be a smart saver, giving them life skills for the future. 


Students were also so excited to start working with their prep buddies over the last few weeks, and look forward to more amazing lessons throughout the year!


Just a reminder to all students to continue working through their homework tasks and continuing to show hard work as we wrap up Term One.