Year Five 

Dear Year Five Families,


We had a great two weeks of NAPLAN and students excelled in all the four tests. The Year Five teachers are so proud of each and every student! The students have been at their best during NAPLAN, when they displayed the attributes of being principled and resilient and for being risk-takers and giving it their all. Well done Year Five students!



In Inquiry, students have finished their leadership investigation presentations. They have shown their understanding of a how the characteristics of a leader may determine the legacy of the leader they inquired into. We are now starting our second Unit of Inquiry in which we will investigate, 'Migration may be a response to challenges and opportunities'. Throughout this inquiry, our focus will be on the push and pull factors which may lead to migration. We look forward to hearing students own migration stories or those of their families.



We are looking forward to completing our first author study for Year Five in this new unit. Students will explore a variety of texts related to migration. We will look what an inference is and how to make connections between characters and feelings.  In writing, we will be looking at memoirs and the students will learn about memoirs as genre of writing. In memoirs, students will share the journey of various authors as the main characters for their narrative, will share their points of view and various experiences. We will discuss the structure of memoir including who, when and where to identify the subject.


In Mathematics, the students have engaged in lessons focussing on Measurement and 

Geometry. The students have been put into fluid groups of Maths according to their needs of learning. The students have been grouped with a specific Year 5 teacher and students from all classes of Year 5 to focus on their learning goals within Measurement and Geometry. We have used the Instructional model of Numeracy which unpacks the language of Launch, Explore and Discuss. This model forefronts students thinking and supports understanding and discussion of student problem solving strategies.





Year fives have been taking tours to explore our New Library Space and have been engaged into the different play activities.



Our school is working towards establishing a whole school 'Green Team'. This team will consist of students from Year 5, 6 and 7 and will aim to reduce the amount of rubbish in the school grounds and put whole school sustainable practises in places.




Congratulations to the following students of Year 5 for becoming captains of this team:

  • Zainah from 5D.
  • Sasha from 5C.
  • Oliver from 5B.

These students will help improve and clean up the school environment.




On Monday of this week, we had our Year Five assembly, during which we talked about how physical violence is not acceptable at school grounds. Our main concerns were about safety of all, and cyberbullying. Students were asked not to publish anything that would offend others.



  • No Hat, No Play - students must bring hats to school to be allowed to play outside. If they do not have a hat, they are required to stay in the shaded area near the canteen.
  • If students have a MacBook, they must bring it to school fully charged every day.
  • It is an expectation for students to wear academic uniform when they don’t have PE.
  • HARMONY DAY - 31st March - out of uniform day to wear orange or cultural attire