Year Four

Dear Year Four Families,

It has been a pleasure for all Year Four teachers to guide our students and see them continue their learning journey, as they build their understanding throughout these two weeks! 

The swimming program was a positive experience and all participants enjoyed learning new skills and a splash in the pool.  As we are reaching the end of Term One, we are confident it has been a successful term for all!  

Harmony Day

We are very proud to share with the community the successful planning and leading of the whole school Harmony Day celebration by our Year Four students.  On Friday 31st  of March we will gather to celebrate our diversity. The message of Harmony Day (usually celebrated on 21st of March), is everyone belongs, focusing on inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of culture or linguistic background. As planned from Year Fours,  students will attend class wearing casual/free dress with a touch of orange or their cultural background outfit to show their support to cultural diversity and inclusiveness in Australia. They will engage with fun activities with their teachers and classmates to have a successful and inclusive Harmony Day. It will be a time to celebrate cultural diversity here at Saltwater P-9 College, to learn about and enjoy everyone's traditions, religions, languages, food and much more!

Unit of Inquiry

Engaging with Unit of Inquiry One ‘Who We Are’, students have successfully explored Indigenous cultures such as Australian, New Zealand, Native American and more. Students explored new facts from the past looking at Indigenous Australian’s perspective of different historical events.  They expanded their knowledge to better understand how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's  perspectives of events differ from European settlers whilst working with the mentor text ‘The Rabbits’.  As we conclude the inquiry, students were able to  define, interpret  and explain their identify connecting with their culture and what makes them unique.  All this helped in taking action by  planning their presentation on how to persuade the school’s leadership to consider their ideas for Harmony Day celebrations in our Saltwater school community. 


Students have been learning to understand and identify different viewpoints in a given text. The mentor texts used were aligned with the Unit of Inquiry "Who We Are" which has assisted students to deepen their knowledge about the Australian indigenous culture. Students analysed the text "The Rabbits"  written from the point of view of the native animals.  They used the text information to create poems from different perspectives using various poetic devices and emotive language. In visual literacy, students visualised images from different cultures and understand the cultural similarities and differences. This week students also analysed their own written piece of work to set their personal writing goals.



Students experimented with numbers up to tens of thousands and applied their skills to recognise, represent and order them in ascending and descending order.  They also practised place value using partitioning and regrouping strategies to assist calculations and to solve word problems. Twice a week students also work in fluid groups where they are provided targeted support and differentiation to meet their learning goals.  


Homework Expectations

Students have  received their second homework  and we are pleased to see most have  return it to school  on Wednesday the 22nd of March, building up on homework routine.  As part of their two week homework cycle, students are encouraged to engage with My Numeracy on Online Essential Assessment to work towards their personalised Mathematics goals.  Reading every night for more than 20 minutes is strongly recommended . Students are to fill out their reading log and ask their parents/carers to sign once they finish a book.


Students are requested to bring their devices to school  and it is their responsibility  to ensure their MacBook is fully charged for the day.

If your child is absent, it is important that you communicate and approve this absence via Xuno or the front office.

Students are advised to apply sunscreen and bring their hats and water bottles to school every day during Term One. 


Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians, this is our last newsletter for Term  One . We wish you all, a relaxing and enjoyable school holiday!


Kind Regards,

The Year Four Team