Great students doing amazing things!

On Monday this week we held our first whole school assembly for 2023. The assembly was fully run by our students, led by our inspirational captains - Rhys Pether, Amber Sullivan, Hal Joyce and April Reeves.


We held our traditional formal welcome for our new Year 7s, as our Year 12 students presented them with their 'wings'. Our school captains formally welcomed them on behalf of our community, and Greg Muscat replied on behalf of the Year 7s.


During the assembly, students also spoke about diversity, our Performing Arts program and upcoming production, our new 'House Cup' for 2023 and an upcoming Casual Clothes Day to raise money for Headspace.


We concluded the assembly by recognising our 2022 All-Stars. Four students managed to maintain an All-Star level of attendance, GPA and behaviour for the entire 2022 school year. Congratulations to Elita, Kayla, Declan and Riley!