We were again reminded over the last fortnight of what a fantastic community and group of students we have at our school. Last week we held our first whole school assembly for the year. Our first whole school assembly is always focussed on our traditional formal welcome to our community for our new Year 7s.  After spending time getting to know their classmates on camp the week before, our Year 7 students were led in to the assembly by their mentors, and presented with their Korumburra Secondary College badge (our ‘wings’) by our Year 12 students. Since the assembly, it’s been great to see many of them wearing this badge proudly on their uniform. Watching the Year 12s interact with the Year 7s as part of this ceremony, and welcoming them to our school and the KSC community was particularly nice to watch.


The assembly was fully run by our students. Our school captains, Amber, Rhys, April and Hal put together the agenda, and hosted the event expertly. We had 8 other students speak and present as part of the assembly too. Well done to all involved – it was a fantastic event to be a part of!


After an outstanding house swimming sports day earlier this term, our best performed swimmers from this day went on to represent our school at the district swimming sports day last week. Well done to all students who participated on this day, and to those who will be going on to the Gippsland Finals.  A particular congratulations to Gypsy Quaife, Zac Sherar and Blake Sherar who were age group champions at this event.


Many of you may have seen the Autumn Edition of The Burra Flyer around town at the moment. This publication is fully compiled by our Year 7 and 8 Like Minds class. As well as providing an excellent community resource, this task helps them develop an incredible range of skills and capabilities. Please make sure you pick up your free copy from around town!


It’s also been great to be able to start notifying parents through a text message every time their child receives a ‘Green Chronicle’. Green Chronicles are provided on Compass by teachers every time they see students do something particularly good. Parents will now get a text every time this occurs. Full details of the Green Chronicle will be available on Compass. Please be sure to check this out, and ask your child about it when they get home.


School Council

Our 2023 School Council nominations closed last week, and I am pleased to announce your new parent representatives for this year. Chantelle Kogge and Brad Beach will be joining our council for the first time this year. Melissa Whelan and Paul Turton have been renominated for a further two years, while Jess Cook, Matt Row and Sam Norrey are continuing members. Our parents play a pivotal role on our School Council, providing us with great insights and perspectives on areas of our school. I encourage any parents to reach out to your representatives if you have something that you would like raised at school council. I thank each of these parents for their ongoing commitment to the development of our school, and I very much look forward to working with them in 2023.


Becky Banks and Russell Trewin are finishing their time as School Council parent representatives. We thank them sincerely for their service of the last few years.


Following our AGM in a couple of weeks, we will have another two casual parent vacancies. If anyone is interested in being part of our School Council, or would just like to find out more about it, please contact Julie Johnstone through our General Office on 5655 1566.


John Wilson Acting Principal
John Wilson Acting Principal