Respectful Relationships


International Women’s Day is recognised globally on the 8th of March. Originally initiated as a day to advocate for equal rights, it was adopted in 1967 by the United Nations. International Women’s Day now raises global awareness regarding the rights and safety of women.


In many countries, women are unable to pursue a life according to their own interests, and in many cases are unable to make even fundamental decisions for themselves. In Australia, while women have equal rights, women do not necessarily experience society equally. 


Many women in Australia continue to experience discrimination and different treatment based on their gender.


International Women’s Day isn’t about saying that women are more important than people of other genders, it is about recognising that everyone’s rights are equal, regardless of gender.


Our Respectful Relationships program tackles these issues head-on by equipping students with the skills they need to recognise and call out unequal treatment. 

Our Year 10’s elected to promote this message on Friday by hosting our first school ‘Diversity Dash’, a celebration of acceptance of everyone as an individual. Well done to the Year 10s for living and breathing Respectful Relationships.


As a lead school of the Respectful Relationships initiative, we have the opportunity for students to provide some feedback on how RR is impacting their lives at school. In ACE classes on the 20th of March, students will be participating in a survey that captures this data and provides valuable feedback to the school. As the survey is administered by the Department of Education, parents have the opportunity for students to opt-out of this survey. To do this, parents need to complete the attached form and return it to school by the 20th of March. We highly value the feedback of all students regarding this initiative and are hopeful that as many students as possible will participate.


Thank you,

Nicole Creaser

On behalf of the KSC Respectful Relationships Implementation Team