Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


As our brilliant Prep students celebrated 100 days of school on Friday, what a great time to look back at the highlights of the year so far. From the first day of school, having a visit from firefighters, playing on the forecourt for the first time, to learning how to read and write, to making new friendships. Prep has been a very busy place over the last 100 days of learning and we could not be prouder of our wonderful students. 

Year 1

This week, our Year 1 students embarked on a fascinating journey at Scienceworks where they explored captivating exhibitions. They engaged in hands-on activities, they discovered the wonders of astronomy and gained a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos. Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers! Your support on the day was truly appreciated. 

Last week our students went to the MSAC to participate in swimming lessons. Our students had a great a time! Thank you again, to all the parents who were able to come along and support our students. 

Year 2

Our Year 2 students embarked on an excursion to TwistedEd Science as part of our Unit 'Flash! Bang!' with a focus on light and sound. Students participated in a workshop where they explored the colours within white light, sound sources and the way light and sound move. They had time to be scientists and explore many different stations. These ranged from bubbles, rocket launching, pipe connections, building and creating race cars. Check out some of our mini scientists below.

Year 3

In English this term, our focus in Year 3 is The Solar System and Beyond. Students have been learning about our night sky, including stars, planets, other natural celestial bodies and manmade spacecrafts. This week students had an in-visit from Discovery Dome. They stepped inside a portable planetarium to explore the night sky including stars, planets and major constellations.  

Year 4

It has been exciting times in Year 4 in the lead up to our excursion next week to the Aquarium. We have been learning about oceans around the world and have started exploring the different creatures that live in them.


In English, we have just finished reading ‘Storm Boy’ and the students have been working hard on drafting, editing, revising and publishing book reports about the novel. During Maths we have been extending our knowledge of place value by exploring and working with decimals.


A highlight of the past fortnight was doing biscuit decorating during Passion Project. We certainly have some Masterchefs among the group!

Year 5

Over the past two weeks, the Year 5 students have been immersed in an in-depth exploration of decimals. They learnt about converting decimals to fractions and vice versa, as well as the skill of ordering and comparing decimal numbers. The students also learnt to use the vertical algorithm method to add and subtract numbers up to three decimal places. This involved aligning decimal points and numbers before adding or subtracting the numbers.


The Year 5 students approached their math tasks with a positive attitude, even when faced with challenges. Their teachers couldn't be prouder of their engagement and effort displayed by the students during the maths lessons.

Year 6

We are coming to the end of our novel ’47 Degrees’ which has brought lots of conversations about bush fires and the impact of global warming on our environment. It has also provided lots of writing opportunities as we explored information and letter writing. Students have been extending their learning by using new vocabulary and it has been amazing to see growth in their writing skills. 


In Science, we are exploring light and shadows, and this week we investigated the law of reflection. The students put their scientist hats on as they carried out the experiment to prove that the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are the same measurement. Check out the photos! 


For Passion Projects, this term 6A have been developing their script writing and acting skills as they create a short movie. 6B have opted to be outdoors and we have been playing games such as ‘Capture the Flag’ and ‘Hide-and-Seek Tiggy’. Both these activities have created fantastic moments for bonding and building friendships within the cohort.