Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...


Dates to Remember:

  •  Friday 18th August: Prep Fizz Kids In-Visit


Morning Routine and Expectations 

This is a friendly reminder of the importance of being on time in the morning. Please ensure your child arrives no later than 8:55am at the Ferrars Street door. This ensures we can begin classroom learning at 9:00am on Level 5. For any arrivals after 8:55am please report to the office via the main entrance. The side door will shut at 8:55am sharp. 



Please ensure you are sending your child to school each day with 100% battery. We use our iPads everyday in Prep for learning and uncharged iPads have a significant impact on the students' learning.  We are very proud of our younger students for doing their best to remember this nightly, but if you could please support your child to get into the routine that would be greatly appreciated. 

Year 1


Encouraging Homework Routine for Term 3 

We are thrilled with the strong homework routine displayed by our Year 1 students in Term 2, diligently completing one Mathseeds lesson and four nights of reading each week. With your continued support, we hope they can maintain this excellent practice into Term 3. Kindly remember that Sunday marks the start of a new week for Mathseeds, so please ensure your child completes only one lesson per week. Thank you for your cooperation!

Year 2

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 28th August: A Bright Idea In-Visit


Parent Volunteers:

Our Year 2 students will be participating in an in-visit called A Bright Idea. This will run from 9:30am to 3:15pm on Monday 28th August. In preparation for this, we are looking for expressions of interest from our Year 2 families who would like to volunteer their support. If you are interested, please send an email to your child's teacher. 



Last week, 2 of our Year 2 classes achieved 100% and the other class achieved 94% of students completing their Mathseeds. This is an impressive achievement and the whole Year 2 cohort were very proud of themselves. If you could please continue to support your child to complete 1 lesson of Mathseeds every week, this would be greatly appreciated. (Note: Sunday is the start of a new week) 

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 30th August: Legoland Excursion
  • Wednesday 13th September – Friday 15th September: Year 3/4 Camp



This week we gave feedback on student learning on Seesaw. Make sure to check out your child’s Seesaw page to see the wonderful learning they have been doing. The students love when family members leave comments on their posts.  



We still require parent volunteers Legoland. If you are interested, please email your child’s teacher.  

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 9th August: Excursion to Sealife Melbourne Aquarium
  • Wednesday 13th September – Friday 15th September: Year 3/4 Camp


Excursion to Sealife Melbourne Aquarium

Students will be visiting the Aquarium this Wednesday 9th August from 10.30am-12.30pm. They should come to school as normal in their full academic uniform. 


Friday Review and Times Table Challenge

This term, the Grade 4 students have started completing a Times Table Challenge and Friday Review column each Friday during Maths. This is a way for the students to become more fluent in their recall of times tables facts as well as an opportunity to review mathematical concepts that have been taught throughout the year. Each Friday your child will bring home their Times Table Challenge and Friday Review. Please encourage them to share each one with you to celebrate their learning.

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 17th August: Electrifying Electricity (In-visit)
  • Thursday 24th August: Basketball Gala Day
  •  Friday 25th August: Book Parade (Dress up as one of your favourite book characters)


Home Reading

Students have now received their new ZPD (reading range) on Accelerated Reader. This was obtained from when they completed their STAR Reading test in Week 1. We ask that you please remind your child to read for at least 30 minutes each night. The Year 5 students will be asked to show their reading log in their diaries on Friday mornings. This must be signed by a parent or guardian.


Mathletics Homework

Students are expected to complete 3 assigned activities on Mathletics before Friday. They are required to earn at least 200 points each week. Students can complete extra activities of their choice as a challenge after they finished the assigned tasks. 

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  •  Thursday 24th August: Basketball Gala Day
  •  Friday 25th August: Book Parade (Dress up as one of your favourite book characters)



As we approach the middle of Term 3, please keep homework standards high by reading every night and completing the required Maths activities. Homework diaries should be signed every night as these will be checked in school. 


Book Week

In Week 7, we will be celebrating Book Week. Students may dress up as one of their favourite literacy characters. To avoid last minute panic, perhaps start thinking about possible costumes to wear!