The Wellbeing Page 

Supporting students to stay happy, safe and connected...

Lead Family Worker Program 

Smile Squad


A reminder that Smile Squad are coming to SMPS at the end of term. They will be conducting free dental exams for students who have been given consent by their parents and carers. If follow-up treatment is needed, that treatment is also free. 

Provide your child with consent via the QR code below.

If you would prefer a paper copy, please ask your child's teacher for one. 

Eat Well to Look After Your Teeth 


Offer healthy snacks between main meals such as fruit and vegetables that are low in sugar.


Eating sweet or sugary snacks too often can lead to tooth decay.


What to include and what to avoid in your child's lunch box
What to include and what to avoid in your child's lunch box

Need Some Inspiration to Eat Well?

Treat your tastebuds with some delicious meals and snacks from these great recipe collections. 


They also happen to be healthy (but you don’t have to tell the kids that).


Better Health recipe Ideas
Better Health recipe Ideas