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Supporting students to achieve academically...

Academic Competitions

'Tis the Season for Competitions! We are excited to start ICAS competitions this week. About 15% of students in Years 2-6 will be participating. Maths is the most popular, followed by English and then Writing. ICAS is a parent-nominated competition.


We also offer competitions to students whose results are exceptional for their year level. Over the next two weeks, 40 of our students in Years 3 - 6 will be participating in the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee. If your child scored in the top 10 of their cohort in NAPLAN Spelling this year or last, they will bring home a permission form that must be signed and returned to school before they can participate.


We occasionally have questions from families about enrolling in different competitions around the world. This year, three families have asked about additional maths competitions. We monitor these requests along with the uptake of current opportunities to decide whether we provide these extras. We are looking at a range of further opportunities for 2024 and will update families accordingly. In the interim, we encourage families to check whether they can independently enrol their child in any competitions of interest.

ICAS 2022
Spelling Bee State Finals 2022
Spelling Bee State Finals 2022
ICAS 2022
Spelling Bee State Finals 2022
Spelling Bee State Finals 2022