Chaplain's Message

Once upon a time, there were two woodcutters named Peter and John. They were often at loggerheads over who chopped more wood. So one day, they decided to hold a competition to determine the winner. The rules were simple—whoever produced the most wood in a day won.


So, the next day morning, both took up their positions in the forest and started chopping away at their fastest possible speed. This lasted for an hour before Peter suddenly stopped. When John realised that there was no chopping sound from his opponent’s side, he thought: “Ah Ha! He must be tired already!” And he continued to cut down his trees at double the pace.




A quarter of an hour passed, and John heard his opponent chopping again. So, both carried on synchronously. John was starting to feel weary when the chopping from Peter stopped once again. Feeling motivated and smelling victory close by, John continued, with a smile on his face.


This went on the whole day. Every hour, Peter would stop chopping for fifteen minutes while John kept going relentlessly. So when the competition ended, John was confident that he would take triumph.


But to John’s astonishment, Peter had cut down more wood. How did this even happen? “How could you have chopped down more trees than me? I heard you stop working every hour for fifteen minutes!”, exclaimed John.


Peter replied, “Well, it’s really simple. Every time I stopped work, while you were still chopping down trees, I was sharpening my axe.” Taken from internet


An old story that you may have read before, but I find it helpful to reflect on what it means to “sharpen my axe”. When things get busy, time is short and the list gets longer, it takes courage to stop and regroup, to top up the physical, emotional, and spiritual tank. I am not a fan of shortcuts which can often lead to disaster but I am a huge fan of praying for God’s shortcuts! 


Get up early, light the candle, write the list for the day, and bring it to God in prayer, asking for his planning and organisation and where appropriate, for his “shortcuts”. I am often amazed at the people who will come across my path, things that fall into my lap or onto my screen that will save me hours and leave me with the distinct feeling that I am not operating alone!


For others it may be sleeping, walking, reading, gym, meditation…………………the list is endless but whatever “sharpens your axe” remember Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.


Keep safe and God bless.


~ Pastor Sarah Pollitt

College Chaplain