B Part of IT NT
Our school will be involved in B Part of It NT, a study of the meningococcal B vaccine. The licensed vaccine is safe and proven to protect against meningococcal B disease, a rare but severe disease.
The study nurses will visit schools across Northern Territory in 2023 to offer free Meningococcal B vaccination to students in years 10, 11, and 12. Vaccinations will take place at St Philip's College on 28th April. Please return completed paper consent forms (arriving in the mail) to Student Access or have digital consent forms (link below) completed by 6th April.
If your child joined the study in 2022, you don’t need to sign another consent for them this year.
Please read the information contained in the online information sheet and consent form https://is.gd/BPartofitNT. If you want your child to join the study, please fill in the student’s details and sign the consent form.
If you want to find out more information about the study please contact the study coordinators at Kelly.Stuart@nt.gov.au or janet.forrester@nt.gov.au or call on 0418 443 858. You can also ask for a hard copy of the information.
For more information see: https://bpartofitnt.com.au/