Parent Information

Please be reminded to avoid collecting your child during our lunch breaks. Due to staff being on duty, it is difficult to get your child to the office during this time.
Our breaks are: 10.50 - 11.20am & 1.20 - 1.50pm.
Thank you for your understanding.
QParents has now launched at RNSS.
Invitations to register have been sent home. If you have any questions or issues, please contact Emily on 4999 0222 or (Wednesday - Friday)
Once registered, parents will have their children’s student information at their fingertips. (including absences, forms & invoices).
More information about QParents can be found:
School Parade
Construction Update
School to Adult Life Transition
NDIS is hosting a session to help support with transition from school to adult life.
It is aimed at families who have students aged 14 – 17yrs and will identify optional barriers and challenges for young people transitioning from school life to adult life, as well as the positive impacts that have supported students during this important life transition.
This session will be held at The Frenchville Sports Club, 105 Clifton Street, North Rockhampton on Wednesday 29 March 2023, commencing at 930am.
More information can be found here: