Junior Resource Centre News

Welcome to all our new Year 7’s! We look forward to seeing you all in the Junior Resource Centre (JRC) this year.
Year 7 Borrowing
Year 7 students will be unable to borrow books until their library accounts are set up – usually about four (4) weeks after school commencement. In the interim, they can select a book to be stored in the library for reading classes, or bring a book from home. We are hoping they will have access to their ePlatform (eBook library) accounts over the next couple of weeks, so they will also have the option of downloading an eBook on their laptops.
Lunchtime/Recess Activities
With our current run of hot weather the JRC is the coolest place to be at recess and lunchtime! We have lots of board games on offer, grab a book, get on the web or just have a chat with friends.
Monday is a busy day in the JRC, with Chess Club (Mr Givogue) and Japanese Club (Mrs Hast) running at lunchtime from 1.00 - 1.30 pm.
Library Loans
Just a reminder that library loans are for 2 weeks only and students are expected to renew or return their books after this time. Whilst we don’t charge overdue fines, if your book is long overdue you will need to pay for a replacement. Students now receive reminder emails 2 days prior (Reminder Notice), 3 days and 14 days overdue, which should make keeping up-to-date easier. After this point, parents will be contacted.