Senior School News

I would like to welcome back all students, parents and staff. I look forward to another successful year working with our teachers and students to further improve the learning outcomes of our senior school students.
A special welcome to the Senior School Leadership team:
Mr Simon Cameron (Year 12 Coordinator)
Mrs Ellen D’Ambra (Year 11 Coordinator)
Ms Elise Roper (Assistant Year 12 Coordinator)
Mr Paul Don (Assistant Year 11 Coordinator)
Mrs Sharon Bourne (Careers Coordinator)
Ms Kirsten Bakker (Student Wellbeing Coordinator)
Mrs Sharon Koning (International Student Coordinator)
Ms Mindy Fischer (Senior Office Manager)
Mrs Carolyn McIver (Senior Coordination Assistant and VET Administrator)
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team.
I would like to congratulate the Class of 2018 on their outstanding VCE results. In particular, congratulations to Vivian Li who was the DUX of Year 12 with an ATAR of 99.45. Vivian has our sincere best wishes as she embarks on her university studies.
In addition there were six perfect study scores of 50 in our Class of 2018: Dayna Smith (Business Management), Stella Cowan (English), Vivian Li (English), Eily Walker (Heath and Human Development), Kaelah Elvish (Health and Human Development) and Daisy McDonald (Outdoor and Environmental Studies). This is an outstanding achievement.
Congratulations to the following students who received the top study score in these subject areas:
The following students are to be congratulated on achieving outstanding ATAR scores:
These results are a reflection of the excellent teachers at Frankston High School. I am full of admiration for the professionalism, motivation and commitment shown by our teachers in ensuring all students maximise their learning outcomes.
I would also like to acknowledge the outstanding support and opportunities given to our Year 12 students by the Careers Coordinator, the Year 11 and Year 12 Coordinators, Mrs Sharon Koning, Ms Kirsten Bakker, Mrs Carolyn McIver and Ms Mindy Fischer.
We have a very important parent information night that we would like you to note in your calendars.
It will be held on Monday 11 February in the Senior Presentation Space at 7.00 pm. Issues such as VCE requirements, assessment, study scores, tertiary selection and parent support will be discussed. The evening is tailored to assist parents of all Year 11 and Year 12 students undertaking VCE.
Our parent information nights are invaluable and I look forward to seeing parents at this information night.
All Year 12 students will attend a Motivation Day on Friday 8 February at Monash University, Peninsula Campus.
The agenda includes: Motivational Speaker, Principal’s Address, Elevate “Study Sensi” presentation, Elevate “Time Management” presentation, careers session and a Year 12 Q & A panel.
Thank you to Ms Elise Roper and Mr Simon Cameron for the organisation of this day.
It has been an excellent start to the 2019 school year. The students were motivated and focused, and it is pleasing to hear so many positive comments from teachers on their classes. Teachers have been very impressed with the students’ work ethic in completing homework set during the early commencement week. Students in the senior school should be completing 2-3 hours of homework each night. Students should also be consistently revising their class notes on a regular basis in preparation for assessments. Overall, it has been an outstanding commencement to the term and I sincerely thank all teachers, students and parents for all of their efforts.
I look forward to the year ahead as we continue on our journey of learning, reflecting the school’s vision “together we become purposeful learners”
Ms Helen Wilson
Senior School Principal