School Council 

School Council Newsletter Report 


On Thursday 16 February, School Council met for our first meeting of the year, and the last for Leeha Stant and John Pickett.  Returning for another two years we have Katrina Volkerts, congratulations.  New to Council is Linda Scullin, representing the Department,  we hope she finds her time on Council informative and valuable.  



We discussed the new single us plastics ban that is being rolled out across all State Schools in Victoria.  Our school Canteen is honoring this ban, helping the school to make more environmentally sustainable choices when it comes to straws, utensils and food packaging.



It has been a busy start to the year with Junior School Council also finalised, with the new representatives participants being elected and presented with their badges.  Feedback on the split time table has been really positive, with kids better able to access and enjoy playgrounds, break time clubs and the GaGa pits.  And planning for the Community Picnic and Harmony Day celebrations are well under way.

The Finance Committee endorsed changes to the school bank account, purchase card and purchase order signatories, as our new Vice Principal, Sarah Stewart begins her new role.  School Council also endorsed budgets for the Parents and Friends Group to plan for and order items for both the Community picnic and everyone's favourite - the Mothers Day Stall in May. The Policy Committee looked at the Dress Code Policy and reviewed the Yard Duty Policy.


Our last item to review was the Grade 6 Camp, this  will be an exciting opportunity for those students in their last year at Wyndham Vale Primary School.  We hope all the kids and the staff heading to Anglesea have a great time!


Finally, this is my last report as School Council President.  Thank you to all the family members for your support, for reading my newsletter articles and for reaching out when you had questions or concerns.  Our next meeting is Thursday 30 March.



Sharon Gatt 

School Council President