Parents and Friends Association


Our monthly meeting will be held onMonday 20th March at 1.55pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be discussing upcoming events including term 2 fundraisers like the Mother's Day Stall and Billy G's Cookie Dough.

You can help by exploring new fundraiser ideas or suggesting a fundraiser goal for 2023!




Issue 2 is out now!

Orders must be returned to school or submitted online by Tuesday 21st March.




Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Easter fundraiser so far. We understand that in the current climate families may struggle to contribute as much as they would like, which is why we appreciate all offerings from a single bunny to a multi pack of chocolate eggs.

We are still accepting donations of Easter food, crafts and baskets for the hampers. Please drop them off at the office by Monday 27th March.


Everyone has received their ticket sheet by now, more can be collected from the office. These tickets can be shared far and wide, even in your workplace, just remember to put your child's name and class down. 

The raffle will be drawn on Monday 3rd April at morning assembly, winners will be contacted for collection.





The Community Picnic is so close you can smell the fairy floss!! 

Well, not really, but it's a fun way to say that after our huge success last year, the PFA will be offering floss to our school community in 2023!


We look forward to seeing everyone there!




The PFA is made up of parents and families from our school community who want to make a contribution to our school. These people are the ones who plan and run our events, and we are always welcoming new helpers.


Over the next few weeks, we have a few activities that require volunteers. You can find us in meeting room 1 which is located in the school office.


Wednesday 22nd 9am: Scholastic Bookclub - come learn how to process orders from Issue 2. 


Monday 27th 9am-12pm, Wednesday 29th 12-3pm & Friday 31st 9am-1pm: Easter Raffle - volunteers will be sorting through raffle donations and making hampers. 


Thursday 30th: Community Picnic - Our fairy floss stall is operated by volunteers who will be making the floss and serving from 2pm-5pm.


We appreciate any time you can help because many hands make light work.

If you would like to participate in these activities or require more information, please contact us at:

All volunteers must hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). Younger children are welcome.