5 CA

Mr Cameron and Miss Ash

Miss Lindsey has spent the last week with us while Mr Cam was on leave, so we thank Miss Lindsey for all her hard work and dedication!


We were so excited to receive our replies from our Pen Pals. We loved seeing what they had written back and how interesting that many of them had similar interests to us. We look forward to replying again soon. 

These past two weeks we have been busily working through our reading group rotations. Many of the texts we read were connected to the Inquiry units we have been doing, so we have been reading about healthy eating, exercise and a few different types of diseases. After this exposure, we have chosen our own Inquiry project to research relating to one of these health areas. 

We have continued our learning around persuasive texts by creating our own persuasive advertisements. We used our learnings from writing persuasively to create an ad where we were selling an item. We used the persuasive techniques we had learned about in order to create ads that were intended to persuade someone. 



We have spent two weeks working on Data. This involved lots of interactive activities where we collected data, transferred it into different graphs and then analysed the data. 

We included measuring, reading tables, conducting surveys, using tallies and used technology during this unit. It was a fun, hands-on unit where lots of skills were learnt. 

Education in Faith/Inquiry

Our Inquiry topic 'Identity' has included many aspects this term. We are using our summarising and researching skills to complete a mini project on a health issue that has sparked our interest. It has been great to see such a variety of topics included.


We have also begun to reflect on how the different world religions have a common 'Golden Rule', and how this rule is reflective of our Catholic values of kindness, compassion, respect, care, love and peace.


The 5s and 6s will be going to mass next week on Tuesday the 4th of April. Please come and join us if you are free on the day. The mass will be at 9:15am.


Reece's Trophy

Reece shared with us during our daily Circle Time that he had won a trophy. He had won it for THE BEST CHILD MULLET at a recent Meat Stock event he attended. Reece was there selling his amazing hot sauce with his family. We were very happy for Reece and loved hearing this news :) What a hairstyle!!


Purple Day - Epilepsy Awareness Day

Harper did an amazing job as we celebrated Purple Day, by visiting each of the classes in the school to share her Epilepsy journey. She wrote her little speech all on her own and added an image. She then shared this document on the big screens in each class. Her purple outfit was also so amazing! 

We thank you for your day to day courage Harper and are so proud of you!


We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and school holidays. We look forward to seeing everyone refreshed next term. 

Mr Cameron, Miss Ash & Miss Anto.