Year 12 Formal

Hours of dedicated brainstorming. Two months of meticulous planning. Weeks upon weeks of regular meetings. And dozens of back-and-forth emails.
And the sheer, indescribable relief when it all ran as smoothly as we could’ve ever imagined. As members of the Year 12 Formal Committee, our sole aim was to make it as memorable of an event as possible for everyone in our cohort - and with the hugely-appreciated guidance of Mr Mackinnon and Mr Anderson, we can safely say the night was a success! From organising table centrepieces and arranging a playlist to demystifying headache-inducing financial logistics, organising the formal was greatly fulfilling for all of us, especially since it created the opportunity to do something we all love - representing the voice of our year level. Getting everyone’s input on all aspects of the event - such as the music choices and the seating arrangements - was as healthy a challenge as it was an enriching experience. Just as the final event was, when everyone’s hardwork came to fruition.
The rainy and dark weather did not deter the atmosphere at Leonda by the Yarra! With some lucky students rocking up to formal in limos, everyone looked fantastic, dressed in stunning dresses and suits, a variety of colours and fabrics really made the venue so bright and colourful.
The warm buzz of camaraderie during dinner; the electric atmosphere during the dancing; the priceless memories being captured by the fantastic professional photographers and the pure suave of our formal award winners (shoutout to the yr 12 student with the most Rizz: Johan, the best dressed of the night: Parsa and Abbey, those who busted out their best moves on the dance floor: Aryan and Emerson, and the cutest couple ever: Shen and Chris) - we can go on and on about how unforgettable of a night it was. We would like to extend our gratitude to Mr Mackinnon, Mr Corkill and Mr Anderson and the supervising teachers, without whom organising and running this event would not have been possible.
And to top it off, here’s some photos from the night!
~ Caitlin, Himalaya & Jeewakee on behalf of the Year 12 Formal Committee