Peter Corkill


A Sincere Thank You To Everyone, And Have A Fantastic Well-Earned Break!

Dear fellow members of the JMSS Community,


I hope this finds you all fit and well, and more than a little more relaxed now that the holiday break has begun.


I continue to be amazed at the resilience, good spirit and genuine care for one another I have seen on a daily basis at JMSS this term, following on from the past three years to be fair. I know everyone is tired and looking forward to a well-earned break, but the energy, spirit and positivity has been uplifting this term. JMSS remains a wonderful community to lead and to work in and for.


A special thanks to my Principal colleagues Andrew Chisholm and Jeremy Mackinnon, for their outstanding work in keeping the JMSS machine purring along, in the face of the illness and other challenges this term. I would also like to make mention of our new staff, teachers and ES alike, who have fitted hand-in-glove into the JMSS machine and also done an amazing job, one and all.


To all of our students, thank you. You continue to get involved in the many different pursuits JMSS offers outside the classroom as well as in the academic program, and your leaders, Cameron, Alexia, Michael and Caitlin, with their many Parliament and Town Hall colleagues, have been exceptional in leading the many programs and events that our students get involved in.


I would like to extend my personal thanks to all of the staff who have been involved in collecting insights and data for the upcoming school review in the middle of term two. On that same note, my thanks to the student leaders and also the student parliament for their help with analysing some of the school’s data sets and sharing their insights. There will be further opportunities for staff, students and JMSS community members to contribute to the review in the early weeks of term two.


Have a fantastic, well-deserved break. Keep safe and happy, and I look forward to seeing everyone back on deck for the start of term two, fully refreshed from what I hope will be a relaxing and rejuvenating time away from work and study.



Best regards

Peter Corkill
