Career News
JMSS Careers Newsletter
Career News
JMSS Careers Newsletter
Hi All,
This Career Newsletter is a big one. There is something for everyone so please take some time tolook through it. There are plenty of fun and interesting school holiday workshops and eventshappening which students can participate in. Attend one or book in to attend many, the choice isyours but use the holiday break to explore career and course options. In this jampacked edition ofthe JMSS Careers
Newsletter you will find out about:
Please click here to find out more details:
Year 10 students are encouraged to use the holidays to find and secure a Work Experienceplacement if they haven’t already. Remember not all students will be fortunate enough to gain awork experience placement through the vacancies we are handling. Year 10 students need tocontinue to look for other placements as securing one can be hard. If you need any help with workexperience, please come and see us in the Careers area.
Placements we have available currently are:
For more information about these placements, including how to apply, students will need to readthe emails sent to them and look on the career website. Click on ‘Important Information’ then scrolldown to ‘Work Experience Opportunities’. There is also information about other work experienceopportunities in the Newsletter.
If you have any questions please feel free to email:
Ms. Carter, or Ms. Veldsman ( You can also come and see us anytime on the groundfloor near the stairs under Flannery House.
Happy Reading!!
Ms Carter (Career & VET Manager)
Ms Veldsman (Career Assistant - Tue/Fri)