Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Principal’s Message

Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to thank School Council and the Principal Selection Panel for choosing me as the successful candidate to be the next substantive principal of Roberts McCubbin Primary School. This role is an honour and a privilege that I am humbled to have the opportunity to undertake. Thanks to all of the staff, students and parents/carers who have offered your congratulations in recent days.


I would also like to acknowledge, with great respect and admiration, the leaders of Roberts McCubbin Primary School who have come before - Helen Newton, Coralee Pratt, Marg Pickburn and Amanda Wigg. Across nearly thirty years, these extraordinary people have created the wonderful school culture that stands in place today, a culture I resolve to nurture and develop in the years to come.


For now...on with the job!

Art Show and Fair

Excitement is building for our big weekend!


The Hall is already looking fantastic as artworks have steadily been arriving, with a bumper crop of new and returning artists featuring. We look forward to seeing a bustling space on Friday night for the opening. Please pop in on Saturday between 10am and 6pm if you are unable to make it on Friday night.


Similarly, the school is already a hive of activity with Fair preparations. As I type this, I can hear our gardeners sprucing up the grounds, a shipment of *adult soft drink* has just arrived and various other people are dashing about doing countless important tasks!


Thank you to all volunteers who are pitching in to make both of these events a success, particularly both committees - we so appreciate your hard work and sacrifice in these roles. To the families of our committee members, we promise you'll have your mums/dads/partners back soon!

Berry Street Educational Model

Last Friday saw a very productive day of professional learning for our staff as we embarked upon day two of the Berry Street Educational Model training. Our facilitators led us through an exploration of relationships, with a focus on a position of Unconditional Positive Regard. A particular take-away was the idea of looking for micro-moments that can help us to understand student behaviour.


Thanks to all staff for your enthusiastic participation on the day!

Education Committee

Our first Education Committee meeting of the year is scheduled for next Wednesday at 7pm. The Education Committee is a sub-committee of School Council, however any members of the school community are welcome to attend.


Education Committee works on school policies, monitors the Annual Implementation plan and has input on education-related matters that have School Council oversight.

PFA - Annual General Meeting

A reminder that the PFA AGM is scheduled for next Thursday. Please refer to the PFA page of the newsletter for details.




A reminder that we are still in 'SunSmart' season. Please ensure all students have an approved hat. Opportunities to apply sunscreen will be provided by teachers.


Road Safety - Birdwood & Devon Street

Please be mindful of road rules before and after school, whether in a car or on foot. Cars must only stop as per street signage, and not within the restricted area either side of the Birdwood Street crossing. Disabled car parks must also be left clear for cars with permits displayed. Please also ensure that all community members are using the designated crossing wherever possible.


Road Safety - Haig Street

Community members have also raised concerns about safety on Haig Street before and after school, with students often crossing in an unsafe manner. We have asked City of Whitehorse to consider improvements to Haig Street, including a request for a new school crossing, however these requests have so far been unsuccessful.

Haig Street residents have also contacted the school to request that parents do not park cars across driveways before and after school.







Peter Watson
