


The 2023 Prep students are an absolute delight to teach in Italian this term.  Their enthusiasm is refreshing and they have learned how to greet and respond to some simple conversational language very quickly.  They are often wanting to engage with their Italian teacher in the playground using their new found knowledge to converse with. For example Come ti chiami?  Mi chiamo Franca.  Ho cinque anni.   Prep students are learning to count to ten and are absolutely exerting their efforts to achieve this goal through ball games and oral work.  Prep students understand this subject is a language spoken in a country called Italy.  Most students understand the concept of what a country is and that Italy is on the other side of the world.  The shape of the country is boot-like and mainly surrounded by water.  They are learning to sing the Ciao, buongiorno, Come stai? song, and are thoroughly enjoy learning through playing games.            


Grade 1                                                                                         


Grade 1 students spent the first few weeks revising basic conversational language, numbers to 20 and colours. Although students recognise the different greetings according to the time of day and to whom they are communicating with, they are making progress with their recall.  Grade 1 students are continuing to learn the names of the days of the week along with correct pronunciation.   Students have a better understanding that Italy is located on the other side of the world and the capital city of Italy is Rome.   Some recognise that the seasons in Italy are opposite to our seasons in the Southern Hemisphere. Students revised the colours of the Italian flag and its simple meaning.  They have learned the names of family members along with knowing when to use mio and mia meaning my and how to match it to the correct noun.  During the week of Carnevale, students viewed this traditional celebration and activities that occur in Italy along with making their own mask.   






Grade 2


Grade 2 students are avid Italian students who absorb information and work to the best of their abilities to complete set tasks.  Students have been introduced to some common language as part of given instructions ie Capsici? Do you all understand? Si capsico  yes I understand, sediti - all sit down, batti le mani - everyone clap hands, guardate -everyone look, ascolate - everyone listen, in piedi - on your feet, facciamo un cerchio - everyone make a circle, scrivete il nome e classe - write your name and grade. etc.    They have continued to revise greeting according to the time of day, numbers to 20 and beginning to count by 10s to 100. They have revised the names of the days of the week and the connecting planets that the days of the week were named from.  A big focus this term was to learn the names of some class room items and using manners to ask for these items. Students role played this scenario in the singular form when asking for the item.  Students then used this platform to ask for fruit in both the singular and plural form.  When using the singular form, students had to identify which article to use according to the noun ie un / una meaning a or an.  Grade 2 students performed these role plays to their class, which they were very proud of.  Students also engaged in a Mona Lisa study learning many facts about the painting as well as drew their own version of the great Mona Lisa.


Tania Marson