
What a fantastic first term we have had with all of our wonderful Prep students! They have each had a terrific, fun-filled start to their learning journeys and have already displayed so much growth both inside and out of the classroom.


Want an insight into the adventures of a Prep classroom? Here’s a brief run through of what Term 1 has looked like for us!


In our Integrated lessons, we have been exploring ‘change’. The Prep students participated in a challenge to identify their teachers by looking at their baby photos and talk about how they have changed as they grew up! Students also matched baby photos to their peers that were kindly supplied by our Prep families.


Our Numeracy lessons got the students up and moving, visiting the Pirate Ship playground for our Bear Hunt/ Directional language lesson, searching for 2D shapes around the classroom and making human graphs to learn ways we collect data! Here is a photo of Prep JG showing their understanding of the word ‘in’ by sitting in the sandpit. Well done Prep JG!



Literacy has been jam packed full of Writing, Handwriting, SMART Spelling and Literacy Group rotations. We made aliens for the letter A, practised our handwriting with the help of Pevan and Sarah’s online videos, and went on a ‘trip to space’ to inspire our writing! We cannot wait to learn about Procedural Writing next term!


In week 9, all of the Prep classes visited the Kitchen! We had so much fun cooking with Rosemary and we take our delicious Chocolate Balls home. With sticky hands and big smiles, the Prep students all agreed that they would love to come back to the kitchen again!


After meeting their buddies in Term 1, the Prep students are so excited to spend more time getting to know their Grade 5 buddy even moreso in Term 2. 


We are looking forward to all of the fun and learning that Term 2 has to offer!


The Prep Team.