Principal Report 

Well done to everyone for a great start to the 2023 school year. This term has been a very busy one and has included our Grade 6 camp to Wilson’s Prom, Grade 5 Camp to Rumbug, Grade 3 and 5 NAPLAN testing, District Hot Shots Tennis, Grade 6 Summer Sports Gala Day, Dress Like A Teacher Day, Active April and Grades 3-6 Cross Country. 


Oatlands Primary School is a values driven school and these values form the foundation of everything we do. A key part to this is the value of RESPECT. How we treat and speak to people matters! Connecting with those around you is essential for your overall wellbeing.  It is very important that we accept people for who they are, even if they are different from you in some way. Demonstrating respect with these simple yet powerful actions include  saying “Good Morning” and “Good Afternoon” to people. It means listening to people and taking an interest in them. What we do and how we behave matters a lot and influences the type of day that other people have and the type of day we have. Respecting Oatlands PS means helping to keep our school looking good and following our rules that help maintain this. An example is placing all litter in bins provided. It is also important that we respect ourselves and care for ourselves by eating healthy food, drinking lots of water and exercising. Respecting doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE!


Wes Holloway
